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Poëziewedstrijd 25-26 Stad Oostende

The invisible health caretaker - awards

Voorleesweek 2024

'Kamertje ikke' - een prentenboek waarin twee vrienden bij elkaar gaan spelen, ze ontdekken elk hun unieke kamertje ikke - een kamertje dat hun identiteit weerspiegelt. Een fantasierijk, poëtisch prentenboek over jezelf zijn en je open stellen voor de ander. (Met Femke Vanbelle, voor De Eenhoorn)

Empowering mental healing: How patients navigate their own mental health journey with support from caregivers— A cover illustration for the Annual Magazine of Psychiatrisch Centrum Amandus (2024)

Still Waters
Markant_Toeval FINAL

Toeval, bestaat het of niet? Zelf het toeval beïnvloeden - voor Markant 2024

Blooming beginnings

How to unravel the women's body? (Markant, about the lack of diagnose on women because there is less research)

Kamertje ikke


Kamertje ikke (sketch vs final)

What if I stay?

What if I stay? Illustration with a text by Astrid Thielemans for Memento Literature Festival 2025

Sketch (Kamertje ikke)

A5 staand

CC De Borre (24-25)

© Sophie Steelandt

Candle (for Reveil)

Women in politics (2024) history of women's voting rights and quota for men and women in politics

Branding Baba Bites

Knack Focus
Uit prentenboek 'Kamertje ikke'
Uit prentenboek 'Kamertje ikke'

Baas in eigen buik - My body, my choice (2024)

or OKV (Openbaar Kunstbezit Vlaanderen) - 2022


Teenagers in the street (Silver Award, Selected award)

How does buying a house affects you as a person? (De Morgen Magazine, 2022)

Cultuurseizoen 2023-2024 van CC het Spoor (ism Bloudruk)

The simplicity of the game (Charcoal on paper, 2024)

The Guard (Charcoal on paper, 2024 - 50 x 70 cm)

De spreidstand tussen moederen en maker zijn. (Mementoboek 2023)

Knack Focus (2024) about investing money in your family and buying time to be with them

CC De Borre season 22-23

Anxiety (CM)

Literature festival 2024 - Winterwoordennacht


Finalist cover

Climat crisis: why should we do any effort if there are so many people making it worse? An overwhelming majority of climate scientists agree that climate change is caused by human behaviour.

FINAL seksueel misbruik

'How to protect your child against abuse? After hearing all these terrible stories on the news about sexual abuse, I'm scared one of my children will be the next victim' - De Morgen magazine


Sexual assault with teenager - a story for Wablieft!

Week of Fertility - for the hospital AZ Groeninge

About an unresolved, repressed trauma (DM Magazine)

Cultuurseizoen 2023-2024 van CC De Borre (ism Bloudruk)

Panic attacks (2023)

Parents' concern when their child is bullied at school (De Morgen Magazine 2023)

Illustration about finding new love after taking care of your demented husband (Raad der wijzen, september 2022)

Helping out refugees (Markant, 2023)

About grief and loss and how it can sometimes lead to something beautiful - for Markant Magazine

Kids art festival 'Hagelslag' (cc de Spil, 2022)


Endometriosis - Knack (april 2023)

DM magazine

Women's rights - Openbaar Kunstbezit (september 2022)

De Morgen Magazine - discussion about asking your sister to babysit your child, while you as parents go out dancing.

Affiche cropped

Fabric collection 'The Illusion' - Capsule Fabrics

Fabric collection 'The Illusion' - Capsule Fabrics

Fabric collection 'The Illusion' - Capsule Fabrics


Cover of De Morgen Magazine - Gynecologists refuses to perform sterilization on young women, despite their wish, assuming that they will change their mind and still want children (Cover De Morgen Magazine)

'Zo gewenst' (Lannoo) - a book about when your wish to have children is not (immediately) fulfilled

The untouched nature of nature and the absence of humans make you realize your own vulnerability and smallness. (OKV - 2022)

What to do when you hear domestic violence from the neighbours? (De Morgen magazine)

Perfectionist Parent

What if your parents are extreme perfectionists? How will it effect your self-image? (De Raad der Wijzen, De Morgen magazine - april 2023)

The cleansing fire creates a way for a bright white light (for OKV, 2022)

Installatie expositie Rafelen - Texture (museum textiel) maart - april 2023

Not having a child as a choice - Raad der wijzen (De Morgen)

What happens when we label our children with ADHD? (De Morgen Magazine 2023)

Kinderloos final

I'm losing connection with my friends because they have children and I don't. Our conversations are only about young motherhood.(De Morgen magazine)

Knowing the right time to say goodby to your pet - for De Morgen Magazine (series De Raad der Wijzen) 2022

Rapunzel - uit 'En ze leefden nog'

Belle - uit 'En ze leefden nog'

Dreaming about your ex-lover

Uit 'Het land van Ooit'

Leonidas Advent calendar 2022

About femicide - killing of women because they are female. This illustration shows the fear of domestic violence from the perspective of the woman. (Markant Magazine)

L'Hommage à Henry van de Velde - Art Nouveau - (OKV 2022)

De Morgen - Raad der Wijzen (Saying goodbye to your father)


How meditation can benefit your mental health - (Psychiatric centre Sint Amandus)

Health care crisis (De Volkskrant, 2022)

Face your fears - (De

MO* - The importance of education for girls worldwide and the barriers they often encounter (especially in the Global South), specifically the impact of COVID on the number of girls in school

Couponing (De Morgen Magazine)

Illustration about an ex-drugs addict (Markant Magazine)

The struggle of endometriosis (Markant Magazine)

The doubt between getting divorced or staying together - (Markant Magazine)

Raising a child is guiding them towards their unique self, while they can find their own path. The structure of an authority provides the base for development. (De Standaard)

How do you find yourself? Your unique self and stay authentic in the crowd? Looking for yourself is a way in.(De Standaard)

De Morgen: ADHD in women (cover)

Love in times of pandemic - monogamy and love affairs - DM magazine (24/04/2021)

Illustration for Memento Literature Festival 2022 - about the perfect Flemish neighbor with the dog with the perfect haircut, the round boxwood and the many fences around his property.

Femicide is a sex-based hate crime term, broadly defined as the intentional killing of women or girls because they are female

The Narcissist - Shortlist World Illustration Awards Editorial (for Charlie mag)

Covid vaccin as an escape to freedom? (pandemic 2020)

The Unwind - about mental health

Heritage Day 2022

Animals in War - Hippo.war (museum)

Photo © Styn for Levis True Colours

Emmaüs - postcards for caretakers

Singles searching for a partner through online dating - Love in times of pandemic - DM magazine (24/04/2021)

Love in times of pandemic - monogamy and love affairs - DM magazine (24/04/2021)

Cover design 'Waar ik liever niet kom' - Liselotte Idema - Publisher Uitgeverij Vrijdag

Birth & birds

Birth & birds

Illustration about the work of Pierre Alechinsky (inspired on an article in the OKV-issue of april 2021) - for Openbaar Kunstbezit Vlaanderen

Men's society - international women's day

It's okay not to be okay

De Morgen: International Women's Day 2021: For 99% of human history, men and women were equal

Illustration for the Memento Book 2019 based on a text from the Letter Collective in which an old man starts to suffer from dementia and wants to chase the bears from the undergrowth.


Increase in divorces in times of pandemic - Love in times of pandemic - DM magazine (24/04/2021)

Octopus droomt van een lief (2021, Pelckmans)

Beer label for Bakker Aldo's Broodbier - a beer made with saved bread

Illustration about online censorship of female nudes (Charlie magazine 2018, AD: Jozefien Daelemans)


De Morgen: ADHD in women: hard to concentrate on one thing, how they lose focus on other matters

De Morgen: ADHD in women: struggle with time management en to-do's

Schermafbeelding 2021-03-06 om 10.55.56.

De Morgen: the prejudices and truths about being an only child

(c) Thomas Lefèvre

Vin-Péro - label design for wine shop

Times of corona are compared to a grieving process where you have to reinvent yourself over and over again (Markant Magazine)

The Household collection - fabric collection for The Stoffenkamer

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